Each Kiwanis club is governed by elected Club Officers & Board of Directors
Officers: 2023-2024
President: Janet Crawford
Pres. Elect: Lucy Sharp
Secretary: Stuart Tollen
Treasurer: Ed Foy
Past Pres: Anne Lotz
Directors 2022-2024
Carol Godfrey
Bob Smyrl
Bella Victor
Foundation Trustees 2022-2024
Mike Czerwonka-chair
Bob Maher
Anne Lotz
Club Officers & Board of Directors
Each Kiwanis club is governed by elected Club Officers & Board of Directors
Officers: 2023-2024
President: Janet Crawford
Pres. Elect: Lucy Sharp
Secretary: Stuart Tollen
Treasurer: Ed Foy
Past Pres: Anne Lotz
Directors 2022-2024
Carol Godfrey
Bob Smyrl
Bella Victor
Foundation Trustees 2022-2024
Mike Czerwonka-chair
Bob Maher
Anne Lotz
Facebook Posts
Upcoming events
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